Annabel is a lawyer in our family team and works with clients on all aspects of family law. Annabel assists clients on separation, divorce, parenting agreements, child arrangements, and matters where domestic abuse is a feature.

Annabel appreciates that at the time of instruction, clients are often going through what is usually, a very difficult and emotional time, and supports clients with compassion, sensitivity, and empathy.

Annabel is committed to assisting clients to resolve their issues as swiftly and as safely as possible. She adopts a non-confrontational approach and encourages and supports clients to resolve issues amicably, however, has experience in acting in court proceedings if attending to the matter outside of court is no longer in the client’s best interest.


Annabel has experience in working with married and unmarried couples following a breakdown of their relationship to include the division of finances, assets and property. She also has experience working with parents with child arrangements, particularly where there are issues of domestic abuse. Where matters can be dealt with outside of court, Annabel can prepare Parenting Agreements for parents who wish to formalise their arrangements.

Annabel supports clients who are victims of domestic abuse and where necessary can assist with injunction applications.

Annabel graduated in law from Southampton University in 2017, and after that successfully completed her LPC at the University of Law in 2018 before commencing her training contract. Annabel qualified as a Solicitor in August 2020 and joined Debenhams Ottaway in 2021.

In Touch

Annabel is a member of:

  • Young Resolution
  • Women in Business Network
  • London Young Lawyers Group (LYLG)
  • City of Expertise Junior Division
  • Herts Law Society Junior Lawyers Division

Annabel is a Mentor with the LYLG.

Annabel Andreou's news

What Clients Say
  • All round helpful and professional on this occasion and prior use of the business.

    Linda Tabb